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Device Charging Lockers

Introducing Premier Lockers’ Device Charging Lockers – the ultimate solution for securely storing and charging electronic devices in any environment. Designed with convenience and safety in mind, these lockers offer a secure and organised space for users to store and charge their devices while they’re not in use.

Equipped with built-in charging outlets and cables, Device Charging Lockers provide a convenient charging solution for smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices. This allows users to keep their devices charged and ready for use throughout the day.


    990H x 250W x 190D1800H x 300W x 330D1800H x 300W x 480D Four DoorSix DoorEight Door Key LockingProvision For PadlockDigital Code LockingRFID/MIFARE Locking Sloping TopsNumbered PlaquesLocker StandsLocker Stands with Seating

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